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University of Lethbridge
Adresse: 4401 University Drive, T1K 3M4, Lethbridge, Canada
Téléphone: (403) 320-5700
Site internet:
High School Certificate
- Formation en Arts - infographie -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Commerce - economie - comptabilite -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Ingenieurs -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Environnement -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Sante -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Informatique - telecoms -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Sciences physiques - chimie - biologie -> Fiche formation
- Formation en Theologie -> Fiche formation
The University of Lethbridge opened on the banks of the Oldman River in 1972. Noted Canadian Architect Arthur Erickson designed University Hall, the U of L's main building, and the master plan for the 457-acre campus, which now consists of more than 1.5 million sq. ft. of interconnected classroom, research and campus spaces, linked indoors and out with walkways. There is convenient access to campus by Lethbridge Transit, and ample parking.
On-campus housing is available to provide students with enjoyable and friendly living experiences and provides ready access to the institution's many facilities, which include state-of the-art computer labs and study centres (open 24 hours), two theatres, an art gallery, dance studios, a visual arts study centre as well as music practice rooms and art studios.
The U of L also recently opened a new 96-bed residence complex project. The four-bedroom townhome units are equipped with an amenities building with a convenience store, laundry facilities and a common meeting room.
The University also houses some of the city's finest athletic facilities in the Max Bell Aquatic Centre and Physical Education Building: an Olympic-sized pool with a unique adjustable floor and dive towers, a fully-equipped fitness centre, gymnasium, flexible exercise facilities for dance, fencing, judo and aerobics, an outdoor soccer pitch, tennis courts and Olympic-standard track. Access to the city walkway and trail system is also available from the University of Lethbridge. A new Regional Health and Wellness Centre is under construction. With its multiple gymnasiums, a large climbing wall and expanded fitness and wellness facilities, it will significantly expand the services available to the community and students.