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Cuny School of Law
Adresse: 65-21 Main Street, Flushing, 11367, New York, USA
Téléphone: (718) 340-4200
Site internet:
High School Certificate
- Formation en Droit - sciences politiques -> Fiche formation
As Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has said, CUNY School of Law is "an institution of incomparable value" in legal education. With a unique mission - to train its graduates for excellent public service and public interest practice - the Law School's history, since its founding in 1983 demonstrates its success in fulfilling that mission through the awards and recognition it has gathered, but especially through the enormous contributions its students and graduates have made to increasing access to justice and using law to create a more just and equitable world.
Responding to the profession's concerns about legal education, CUNY integrates lawyering skills with the best of traditional academics, and offers supervised live client representation to every third year student through its nationally ranked clinical program. Proudly honored as the most diverse law school in the country, the Law School offers a number of special programs that further the justice mission, while drawing on the extensive resources of The City University of New York, the largest urban university in the United States. Faculty, staff and administrators, themselves drawn from public service, public interest practice, work collegially with students and graduates to assure success in their aspirations for justice.
CUNY School of Law opened its doors in September, 1983, with a unique mission - to train lawyers for public service and public interest practice, and to recruit and train lawyers from historically underserved communities. Our motto, "Law in the Service of Human Needs," reflects that continuing commitment. The Law School was fully accredited by the American Bar Association Council on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar in 1993, and has graduated more than 2,000 lawyers who work in legal services organizations, non-for-profits, grass roots organizations, state and city legislatures, the courts and the courtrooms, in firms large and small, and wherever it is necessary to provide access to justice.
CUNY is one of only two public law schools in New York State - the other is SUNY Buffalo - and receives its primary funding from the state legislature. Over its now 22 years of operation, it has garnered many awards, including the Society of American Law Teachers Award for Excellence in Teaching, and awards from the Student Division of the American Bar Association, the National Association of Public Interest Law, and the New York State Bar Association.
The Law School's unique and integrated curriculum has made it a national leader in progressive legal education. The curriculum engages students in a thoughtful combination of rigorous coursework in traditional substantive areas and a lawyering program that teaches the skills recognized by the American Bar Association as necessary for competent practice (problem solving, legal analysis and reasoning, legal research, factual investigation, communication, including legal writing and oral argument; counseling, negotiation, litigation and alternative dispute resolution procedures, organization and management of legal work, and recognition and resolution of ethical dilemmas). The basic premise of the curriculum is that theory cannot be separated from practice, abstract knowledge of doctrine from practical skill, and understanding professional responsibility from professional experience.
There is a sophisticated, well-staffed Writing Center, and there are numerous opportunities for legal writing in the second and third years, including the New York City Law Review and Moot Court. An extensive Academic Support Program provides a Summer Law Institute for incoming students, one-on-one and group tutoring, facilitated study groups, and a special academic support course for students who may find themselves in academic difficulty after their first semester.